Former VP Worldwide Sales, Altera Corporation
Altera went from $800MIL to $1.3BIL
in three years. Was it because of Focus Selling? No question about it.
Former President and
Focus Selling is a competitive weapon. Period. We increased our market share from 9% to 27% in nine months. It was unprecedented growth for us.
Foster Wager Corporation,
Rochester, NY
Our top line revenues doubled in two years and our profitability quadrupled… that’s pretty impressive for a small company. Focus Selling was definitely the catalyst.
Business Director, ENTEGRIS
Focus Selling has made me want to grow professionally. It has taught me how to be a better leader and how to build stronger and more meaningful connections with my peers and with customers.
Chief of Staff, ENTEGRIS
The expertises I learned in Focus Selling increased my confidence and my joy of learning at work. I am more fully invested in my organization and in ways I can provide value to my teammates.
Global Quality Director, ENTEGRIS
Focus Selling helped me both personally and professionally. It taught me how to see things from other people’s eyes. Social Style explained many things I didn’t have an answer for when working with people in the past. It taught me how to work effectively with people who are different from me in style.
Strategic Account Director.
Focus Selling improved my focus and my effectiveness by teaching me to think systematically.
I saw my strategic account revenue
triple in a little over a year.
I learned how to identify what I want and to have a written plan to reach the desired destination.
China Customer Quality Engineering Manager, ENTEGRIS
Participation in Focus Selling was a great opportunity for me. It improved my communication skills both personally and professionally. I learned to think more about people, and how to prepare for my interactions with them. For example, when using The Diffusing Skill my team and I had several successes and we enjoyed seeing it make our work and our lives easier and less stressful.
It’s impossible to know why your sales team is struggling when there’s no consistent, shared way to take a sale from start to finish. We teach your team a complete, proven system that unifies your efforts, breaks every record, and devastates the competition.
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